Trademark Law
Barton Beebe
Trademark Law: An Open-Source Casebook is a free, open-access textbook designed for a four-credit trademark course. First released in 2014 and now in Version 9, this free, online casebook is currently in use in over 70 law schools around the world.

Trademark Law: An Open-Source Casebook is a free, open-access textbook designed for a four-credit trademark course. Model syllabi for four-credit and three-credit courses are available in the Faculty Resources section of this website. All faculty teaching trademark law are welcome to access the Faculty Resources, including the faculty discussion forum, by becoming a registered user of the site. To register, write to Barton Beebe at
The casebook is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In slightly simpler terms, this means that you are free to copy, redistribute, and modify the casebook in part or whole in any format provided that (1) you do so only for non-commercial purposes, (2) you comply with the attribution principles of the license (credit the author, link to the license, and indicate if you’ve made any changes), and (3), in the case of modified versions of the casebook, you distribute any modifications under the same license.
The term “open-source” appears in the title of the casebook to indicate that the casebook is freely available under the terms set out in the previous paragraph both in .pdf format and in more easily adaptable .doc format.
The casebook is updated each year in mid-July.