Antitrust Principles, Cases, and Materials
Daniel Francis, Chris Sprigman
Welcome to Antitrust: Principles, Cases, and Materials! This is the first edition of a new antitrust casebook designed to offer an accessible, thorough, concise, and up-to-date introduction to the world of antitrust. Since May 2023 it has been available to all for free download pursuant to a Creative Commons license, and in a hard copy print-on demand format priced at cost. The book is accompanied by a resource pack, including teaching slides and draft syllabuses, available to all on the same terms. You will find everything online at We will update the materials each year.

In writing this book, we’ve been motivated by our hope that this casebook can play a role in making the antitrust classroom, and ultimately the antitrust profession, a more diverse, inclusive, and welcoming space. Everyone belongs in the antitrust conversation! Antitrust implicates countless fundamental questions about the rules that govern the economy, and about the place of the market in our shared life. It concerns each of us directly as consumers, workers, and citizens. And it is an endlessly rewarding field of study, work, and debate. We have aimed for an accessible and straightforward text, while acknowledging antitrust’s many complexities and tensions. We have made a particular effort to capture recent materials: as a result, some older cases that are now primarily a matter of historical interest have received a briefer treatment or been omitted entirely. This has enabled us to maintain full coverage without undue length.