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Laura Crossett

Communications Manager, Library Futures

Laura Crossett is a writer, thinker, teacher, and consultant. She spent fifteen years working in public libraries ranging from a semi-urban library outside Chicago to a combined school/public library in rural Wyoming to a rapidly growing public library in Iowa. Her dedication to libraries and to equitable access to information is informed by her many years of activism. Her entry on the intersection of free speech, access, and communications technology during a sit-in won “Best Overall” in the EFF Blog-a-thon in 2005, and she has been working for those things ever since.

Laura also holds an MFA from the Nonfiction Writing Program at the University of Iowa, an MLIS from Dominican University, and studied IT at Kirkwood Community College. When not spreading the Library Futures word, Laura teaches writing, advocates for better mental health services in schools, and helps people with their tiny tech problems. She lives in her hometown of Iowa City, IA, with her family, a dog, and too many cats.