Library Futures Joins the Engelberg Center

We are excited to announce that the nonprofit project Library Futures is joining the Engelberg Center.
Library Futures is a two year old initiative that explores the future of libraries and free and open information for the public. They identify and address cutting edge issues within library and information science, mobilizing a community of experts through research, policy, education, special projects, and programmatic interventions that seek to encourage adoption of technologies that uplift libraries in the digital age. With a strong track record of success, the team is well positioned to begin making immediate contributions to the Engelberg Center.
Library Futures’ work is deeply connected to existing initiatives at the Engelberg Center. That includes work on understanding the nature of ownership of digital goods, as well as our Gallery, Library, Archive, and Museum (GLAM) open access initiatives such as the GLAM-E Lab.
Library Futures has done insightful, impactful work in the digital library space, including projects related to controlled digital lending, electronic repair, privacy in libraries, and more. They are a community of passionate experts, practitioners, and thinkers operating the the leading edge of the evolving library world. We look forward to expanding that work, and integrating it with current and future projects here at the Engelberg Center.
As part of this process, Jennie Rose Halperin will become the Director of the Library Futures Project at the Engelberg Center. Kyle K. Courtney will join the Center as a Library Futures Fellow. Existing Library Futures Board members will act as an advisory board for the initiative.
With this addition, Library Futures also joins ENRICH, the GLAM-E Lab, and Knowing Machines as a project hosted at the Engelberg Center.