A Copyright Office for the 21st Century
Jointly hosted with the Duke Law School Center for Innovation, this conference drew experts from academia, industry, and government for a discussion on how to modernize the U.S. Copyright Office to best serve the needs of content creators, distributors, users, and the general public in the digital era. The discussion focused on what a modern copyright agency should be doing, how to improve registration and recordation functions, the possibility of adding regulatory and adjudicatory functions, and the congressional perspective. Speakers included Sandra Aistars, George Mason University Law School; Troy Dow, Disney; Dave Green, Microsoft; Joseph Liu, Boston College Law School; William Patry, Google; Arti Rai, Duke Law School; Mary Rasenberger, The Authors Guild; Pamela Samuelson, UC Berkeley School of Law; Matt Schruers, Computer & Communications Industry Association and Georgetown University Law Center; and Chris Sprigman, NYU School of Law. Professor Sprigman was an organizer of the conference, together with Professor Rai.