2015 IP Institute
This conference, presented jointly by the Engelberg Center and Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, assembled thought leaders in the field of IP for a day of discussion focused on cutting-edge issues affecting innovation, intellectual property law and practice, and competition in the domestic and international arenas. The Honorable Diane P. Wood (U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit) was the keynote speaker. The conference included a panel on Judicial Perspectives on IP featuring the Honorable Diane Wood, the Honorable Paul R. Michel (U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Retired)), and the Honorable Robert W. Sweet (U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York). Professor Rochelle Dreyfuss moderated a panel on Major Developments in the Trademark Area, and Professor Chris Sprigman spoke on a panel discussing Copyrights – The Digital Area Accelerates Change.